This is how excited I was when the crew over at Spoonflower came to visit me in my studio back in March! Say what?? Yes! They drove over from North Carolina and got a hotel TO INTERVIEW ME!!!?????!!!!???!!?!?! How is this my life?? In a stroke of luck, I happened to lose my voice the day before, thanks to a high pollen count in the air and allergies. You can hear me struggle through talking in the interview over here;)
I had a vision for our photoshoot– and it included my fabric everywhere, so I was thrilled when they were on board with making my dreams come true!!! I mean… how cool is this photo! AHH!
This beautiful person, Meredith (aka the “Pom Queen”), interviewed me while their awesome photo/videographer Alex recorded it all! After all was said and done we had to do some Handmade Hustling, of course. I was also super stoked when she: 1. Wore my design!! 2. Asked to put on a wig and dance with me!!! AH! IT WAS SERIOUSLY SUCH A FUN DAY.
Thank you for these behind the scenes photos Meredith!
I never dreamt I’d be be the subject of something like this. And to think I’m only here because I painted a dress in November in order to check that goal off my “18 things for 2018 goal list?!” Crazy. Town. ((Okay, there were other factors I know!!))
I Hope you’ll go and read the interview on their blog, HERE!
And did you see these on my instagram?!?! We rocked our matching swimsuits for spring break in Florida and it was incredible looking at my family, seeing that I’d designed the fabric AND sewn all their swimsuits! Last year at this time, I was thinking “I wish I could sew a swimsuit, I guess I’ll give it a try even if I’m scared.” And also ” I really want to design my own swim fabric, but I don’t even know how. Man would that be so cool….”
One year later and we have this buns shot! (His matching swimsuit was MIA.)
Anyway, I’ve written this blogpost because my husband told me not everyone is on Instagram, and he wants to share my success with other people, so this is for all of you out there that actually care! Thank you to everyone who has been supporting, uplifting, and rooting for me through the past 7 months of this adventure! I love you all!!