Fabric Painting and Design, Uncategorized

Make your own shoes! PLUS: A Pom-pom tutorial

I am so excited to tell you about my latest #SewHappyColor collaboration with A Happy Stitch!! I am the first in a new series she is doing, called "The Artist Series." I have created a step-by-step instruction PDF and a couple videos to help guide you through making your own painted shoes.  These were very satisfying to paint and then sew up. I made the design something that would be achievable by anyone who follows the instruction, so don't be intimidated! When you wear them you'll be able to...

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Fabric Painting and Design, Uncategorized

Painting Fabric

I have been asked about writing this blogpost for so long now, I really apologize to everyone that it took me so long! In case you didn't know, I painted that dress above. It won the Sew Frosting Challenge (lots more info on the dress there) and was the impetus for many new things happening in 2019 (stay tuned!!) Today I want to share the details behind the painting process of this dress with those of you interested in doing something similar!

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Fabric Painting and Design, Fashion, Uncategorized

The Hand-painted Dress

For years I've been wanting to translate my paintings into fabric. After I finished my BFA in Painting and Drawing at BYU, I filled out applications to all the coolest MFA textile design programs  in NYC (a place I'd always dreamed of living).  I had a blip in that application process that turned into me not actually submitting any of them, and instead going on to work as a display artist for an Anthropologie store outside Chicago. Life takes on different paths and I firmly believe that God...

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